The Missional Nomads Update

What in the world is happening with The Missional Nomads? My goodness do we have a story for you! 

In January of 2021 we responded in obedience to the Lord (and a fair amount of trepidation) and left it all behind in pursuit of showing up in strength for the pastors and ministry leaders of our nation. Where were the weary? Who could use added strength and encouragement? Who needed an extra set of hands or help carrying the load for a while? Who needed to know that they weren’t alone, and that God was sending in reinforcements? After a LOT of prayer, fasting, words, dreams (and a flood of calls and emails asking us to come) … we hit the road with a plan. That plan quickly changed as we faced a myriad of unforeseen obstacles, delays, re-routing, re-grouping, mechanical failure, health crisis and many other pivots. Man makes his plans friends, but the Lord orders his steps. And that has never been more real to us than in this last year.

In the last 15 months, we have traveled to over 25 different cities and brought strength, friendship, encouragement, labor, laughter, and an atmosphere of praise to over 55 different pastors and leaders across the nation. What has happened along the way? Well, we’ve installed flooring , deep cleaned buildings and homes, washed laundry, chopped fire wood, counseled married couples, prayed and prayed some more, set up atmospheres of worship and adoration, babysat kiddos, pampered mothers, feasted and fasted, released words of encouragement, cried and laughed, trained and equipped, and mostly just SHOWN UP for our brothers and sisters as best as we were able and in whatever way they needed at the time.

Here are a few testimonies from the journey:

·      In one city a ministry leader communicated that they had been struggling with deep depression and wanted us to come. After one week together, cooking meals, cleaning, worshiping in their living room, deep conversations about Jesus, and just doing life together in a hope filled way, as we were leaving the leader communicated, “when you came everything was dark and I couldn’t see hope or light, now… for the first time in a long time, light and hope are breaking in.” THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!

·      In another city, we sat with a married couple who has walked through an incredible amount of adversity in the last couple years. We were able to speak to their true identity, fight in prayer for their marriage together, and remind them of what they are fighting for. Also targeting freedom from shame and condemnation. That couple is walking in such victory in this season because of the grace of God and their intentional hard work! And we are cheering for them every step of the way! 

·      One ministry family was pressed against a deadline that was overwhelming them and felt impossible. We were able to show up for them in strength with contracting work, deep cleaning, encouragement, prayer and worship and they were able to meet their impossible deadline!

·      In one city there was a minister’s wife that, due to the demand of ministry and life had gotten completely overwhelmed with housework. She was drowning in it and couldn’t figure out how to get above it. We literally spent a week just cleaning and doing laundry and watched the weight begin to lift. Sometimes you just need that added help to get your head above it all and get a little perspective. Practical acts of service have been a HUGE part of what we have said yes to this last year and it is AMAZING to see how much of a difference it has made in human hearts! 

·      There are many very personal and private testimonies on the journey that we cannot share with you publicly, but we want you to know that victory followed all along the way. 

When the Lord first invited us into this journey, we knew there was a need, but we weren’t fully sure how great the need or practically how it would really flesh out. After 15 months we are MORE convinced of the need and the power of the mission, as well as allowing the Lord to re-write what The Missional Nomads will look like moving forward. 

Here’s what we know so far:

1.     The Lord asked us to give him a full year on the road and we said yes to that and by the grace of God, we did it! 

2.     The need for added strength, encouragement, counsel and support for pastors and leaders across the nation has only been more significantly confirmed after 15 months on the road.

3.     Our family poured out and sacrificed A LOT in the last year but was also met with incredible grace and generosity all along the way! 

4.     After a year on the road full time, 5 months of that without our tiny home on wheels and sleeping wherever there was room enough for 6 more, it has become clear that in order to continue forward in strength, we need to establish a home base of strength.

5.     The Lord has laid before us the invitation to pursue purchasing a home/sanctuary where we will re-group and root down part time and from there we will go out and minister on the road part time.

6.     The Lord is giving us vision for cultivating and consecrating a “retreat” home environment for pastors and leaders (and their families) that need time away but cannot afford a retreat. The months that we are not on the road ministering would be filled with hosting and serving these families in our home. 

7.     The dreams and prophetic words, phone calls from intercessors and confirmations surrounding this shift are overwhelming! 

8.     The Lord has highlighted Colorado Springs as the center for our home base. 

Before I write another word, I want to say something that is REALLY important. YOU… each one of you reading this that prayed for us, encouraged us, housed us, fed us, hugged us, sowed into us and worshiped with us over the last 15 months… YOU are to be celebrated and radically thanked. I never want it to sound cliché but it’s really true that EVERYTHING… anything that The Missional Nomads accomplished in the last year could not have happened without your support. Without you catching the vision and walking it out WITH US! Scripture is clear that if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet, you receive a prophet’s reward. Any victory we have seen for the kingdom of heaven in the last 15 months is completely and totally shared with each one of YOU! 

 So… what’s the plan from here and how can we move forward together? Well, we really believe that the Lord invited us to pioneer something when we said “Yes” to the Missional Nomads and the reality is that we are still plowing that out. There is more work to be done, more cities to visit, more bodies of believers waiting for reinforcements, and we are still willing and ready to respond to the clear prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit to go! It is also very clear that our family, our children, our marriage (in order to continue in strength and endurance) need a resting place to come home to. We have learned so much about what is needed for true rest and refreshing over the last 15 months, and we are SO excited to cultivate a place that provides that environment for other pastors and ministry leaders around the nation. So, the Missional Nomads is maturing into a more dynamic expression of ministry. We will GO and we will also provide a refuge for others to come. 

 How can you be a part of the growing need and maturing of the vision and call for the Missional Nomads? Here are a few ways:


1.     Partner with us financially on a monthly basis.

We have been overwhelmed with gratitude for the beautiful hearts that have carried us through the last 15 months. Realistically, to keep going, we need to increase our support base by 2k per month. Please pray about whether you are called to be a part of that team. 

2.     Partner with us in the purchasing of our ministry base. 

We recognize that there are a series of miracles required in saying yes to this call to cultivate a sanctuary and retreat home for our family and the many ministry families that will stay with us in the future. BUT the Lord has proven time and time again that what he calls us to do, he provides for us to do. Practically, what does that look like? 

            i.     Contribute financially to the down payment for our ministry base

            ii.     Consider giving a “gift letter” (non-taxable gift) for closing costs or down payment

3.     Sow into the renovations and resources required to cultivate a retreat space for the weary pastors and ministry leaders to come and rest. Below is an amazon wish list for practical things like linens, furniture, beds etc. to create this space of rest.


Thank you! For catching the vision, for taking the risk, for daring to dream with us and with God for a healthy, encouraged, and refreshed body of leaders across our nation! Let’s keep going!